Invisible aligners are among the latest innovations that have revolutionized the management of tooth misalignment.
Dental misalignments are frequent and recurring problems, which sometimes cause serious aesthetic problems that can compromise social and professional life. In addition, their treatment is unpleasant and repulsive for patients who dread wearing too visible braces.
As their name suggests, they are transparent aligners that are applied to the teeth to correct dental misalignment. Their shape and size are adjusted using an ultra-sophisticated digital device to offer you a tailor-made product that perfectly matches the contours of your teeth. They gradually correct dental deformities and can be removed very easily during meals or teeth brushing.
Thanks to their ease of use and their great discretion, they are the ideal procedure for adults who want to repair their teeth without altering their smile.
Thanks to these little marvels of technology, your smile will be forever changed as well as your social and professional life.